• Budi a.k.a Idub (but, call me as everything you like)
  • Broken hearted since 1985
  • Spent days with coffe, cigarretes, punk, rock, blog and a damn bored life
  • Trying hard to find some pieces of intelectual skill in UNNES
  • Currently live at Semarang
  • mail:idubdibalik@gmail.com
  • FS/YM:idubdibalik@yahoo.com

  • July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005

    Saturday, September 11, 2004

    Turut Berduka Cita Atas Meledaknya Bomb di depan Kedubes Australia..

    %@!& GILA !! Liat berita di Tipi, Bom Lagi !!! Gimana seeh ni negri. Jadi heran siapa yg salah. Sebenarnya kalo liat yg dari dulu dulu, aku pengen ngomong ama Om Terroris. Bahwa sebenarnya aku SETUJU DENGAN ALASANNYA kalo emang anda benci amrik dan anteknya, ya sebangsa Aussie gitu, TAPI MAAP SAYA SANGAT TIDAK SETUJU CARANYA !!! Sekarang pikirin deh, yg di Kedubes ( ato di depannya ) kan ga org Aussie semua. Lagian org Aussie juga bukan musuh islam semua. Sekarang misalnya, Org yg lewat situ ternyata orang Islam yg sangat taat, kena bomb, gimana ? blum satpam yg ga tau apa-apa. Mungkin malah mereka juga benci US dan Aussie, kayak saya !!

    Belum lagi ,Apa ada ajakan menyakiti orang lain dlm Islam. Yg ada cuma kita serang, kalo kita di serang. Nah kita emang di serang, tapi kan tidak secara langsung. Yg langsung mah Palestine . KAlo emang mo jihad dengan nge bom gitu, ya ke Sono aja. DAn jangan lupa, cari org yg betul-betul benci ( musuh ) Islam . naah bom aja tuh setuju saya . Tapi jangan ngebom yg ga tau apa-apa donk !! Tuhan pun akan mengutukmu !!!

    ALL ANGELS CRY( SID...Kuta Rock City)
    Can you tell me why, the world is so ugly
    And there ain?t no pretty pictures everywhere I go
    Spend some of your time, and think of the answer
    Why must people get so scared most of their life

    Now tell me why
    Why the angels gonna cry
    To see the way we live our lives, where this, the heart goes?
    And tell me why
    Why the angels gonna cry
    I close my eyes and a better place will it come true

    Walking down the street, in one bloody cold night
    Where everyone is blind, they show you how to feed your hate
    Education now, war for tomorrow
    And I do believe we?re living on a time bomb