• Budi a.k.a Idub (but, call me as everything you like)
  • Broken hearted since 1985
  • Spent days with coffe, cigarretes, punk, rock, blog and a damn bored life
  • Trying hard to find some pieces of intelectual skill in UNNES
  • Currently live at Semarang
  • mail:idubdibalik@gmail.com
  • FS/YM:idubdibalik@yahoo.com

  • July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005

    Wednesday, December 22, 2004


    Alhamdulillah nyaris abis nih, tahun 2004. Gak kerasa ya ?.. secara keseluruhan tahun ini keadaan dunia semakin baik, walo ada sedikit bomb, kerusuhan, dll. Tapi bagi gua..This Year Most Open Heart Break !!! Hiks.. banyak kesedihan yg gua alami. Tapi gak papa, orang beriman kan selalu di uji.. Hoekkk.. !!!

    Proudly Present.. Propagondhez Award 2004
    * Site of the year : www.friendster.com
    * Blog of the year : www.propagondhez.tk ( hehehe.. narcis dikit )
    * Song of the year : welcome to my life - simple plan
    * Musician of the year : Greenday
    * Best breaktrough artist : Jet
    * Sportsteam of the year : Greek Football Team
    * Sportsmen of the year : Chris John
    * Best Moment : Pemilihan umum langsung 2004
    * Best TV Show : Adzan Magrib
    * Best movie : Kiamat Sudah Dekat
    * Mens of the year : Alm. Munir, Harry Roesli
    * Story of the year : ** guoblok itu nama band emo bud... ~~

    Heit,.. jangan protes, award ini sangat tergantung jalan pikiran manusia bernama budi.. !!! dengan pertimbangan matang dan cukup melelahkan harta, nyawa, dsb...